Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Mini Me

A little something I have been working on...."Mini Me" Doll Soakers!

Mini Me Doll Soakers

Now available at my Craft Fetish shop, Tweedle or direct from me. (NZ only)

Doll Soakers Hearts


Sharonnz said...

Soooooo darling!

Fresh Tea : said...

Ha, gorgeous!

At Home Mommy Knits said...

Those are adorable!! What little girl wouldn't love them for her baby :).

Anonymous said...

Oooh - too cute! My grandmother made me all sorts of doll's clothes when i was little, and I loved them so much! Seeing your photo took me right back to playing with my dolls at her house. Thanks for that - you've put a smile on my face at the end of a crappy day.

Mama Bird said...

Oh how cute!

Anonymous said...

gorgeous (you wouldn't happen to know if they fit cabbage patch bums would you hehe)

Amy said...

Those are just what those anatomically correct newborn dolls need. My daughter has habit of removing her doll's pants to change it's nappies.