FO: Multnomah Shawl
More details and photos on my new bloghome: Mahi and Aroha.
Hope to see you there x
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
I think it wants to be a citron shawl --> Malabrigo Lace in "Olive"
And this is calling for stripey plain socks for me. Tri'Coterie Merino/Tencel sock yarn in "Lafayette". Tri'Coterie yarns are delicious and available on etsy.
I have a very dear friend in France (who I have yet to meet...hopefully 2011!) who sends me packages of pure love. Both these skeins were accompanied by enough audio and e-books to last me a lifetime, a beautiful dyed playsilk scarf AND a little MP3 player. Generous doesnt go anywhere near how wonderful Maylin is. Thank you sweetheart.
The internet is a strange but wonderful thing, no?
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
I know!! It's been too long. I could write a long list of excuses but really, I don't know what happened. My knitting/blogging/crafting mojo just up and left me one day.
But I'm here. I'm crafting again. And buying yarn, too. Who knows, maybe I won't leave it a year before I post again.
Saroyan in Needlefood 5ply Silky Toes Blend (Wool/Silk/Bamboo) - "Morning Sky"
Fish Hat - Dead or Alive?
Knitsch sock yarn - my "will be my xmas present" from the kids. Colourway is Mansfield Revisited.
Blue Lagoon from Joy of Yarn which is going to be a Multnomah Shawl for my great-aunt for Christmas.
If anyone is still reading, stop by and say hello!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Ultimate Longies
Ultimate Longies by Shannon
Made in Patons Diploma Gold on 30cm Addis
Size NB
Aww, these were so cute and teeny and a really fun knit.
Shannon has only recently released this pattern on Ravelry and I couldn't help myself when the opportunity to test her pattern came up. It's another seamless longies pattern but with innovative shaping and clever increasing that keeps you on your knitting toes. The end result are longies that give a snug fit but are flexible enough to move in all the right places.
I really loved how these turned out, quirky legs and all. I did the NB size and put them away for a pregnant friend, not knowing the gender of her baby - luckily it was a baby Zoe and so these were sent off in a parcel of goodies last week.
The pattern has been written for 8,10 & 12 ply in sizes NB through to XL so you certainly get a lot for your money and if you are looking for a well written pattern with lots of help and tutorials then this is a great choice. If you want to see some modelled pics then check out the awesome ones that Tikki and Kelly made.
Now I know I should be blogging without guilt and all that but I do feel compelled to say that my absence from here hasn't been because of anything dramatic. We've had an awful run of winter bugs and it has really zapped all my creative energy so there has been a distinct lack of anything crafty happening around here lately. I'm also super busy with Playcentre "stuff" (and I thought knitting/internet was a time soak!) and getting our EOY accounts done and blah blah real life boring stuff like that. Sigh. It's all rather dull I'm afraid. I'm also having camera "issues". Hence the blog abandonment. However tonight I DID wind up my yarn for a new project that I am going to start...right now. Stay tuned ;)
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Completely Pointless and Arbitrary
I joined a "Completely pointless and arbitrary" Ravelry swap a little while back. My swappee sent me a lovely and not at all pointless chapstick holder which she put on a key ring so I could always have gloss with me.
It took some time for me to decide what to make for my swappee in return. Until I found this , the most pointless (but quite funny!) pattern I could find....
Swine flu masque!
Luckily my swappee has a sense of humour and she has young children so I'm sure it will get some use at some stage.
Unfortunately choosing the swine flu mask was somewhat ironic as our house has been plagued with the flu for what feels like months now (in reality just a few weeks). I am desperately awaiting the arrival of spring, some warm weather, and hopefully an end to these nasty winter ailments. My knitting, and life in general, has pretty much come to a standstill in the meantime. I'll be glad when things get back to normal!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Labour of Love
Yes. That is M's blanket. And yes, it is FINISHED.
I can't even begin to describe how pleased I am to have this done. Two years in the making, many hours of knitting, much procrastination. A gift that was meant for her first Christmas, then postponed for her first birthday - I did in fact finish it off in time for her 2nd birthday earlier this week. A birthday that unfortunately was spent sick with the flu, the blanket came in very handy this week as we've spent many many hours cuddled up on the couch.
I ended up altering my original "plan" to make the blanket a bit bigger and wider. It's pictured on a queen bed so should be a good size for on top of a single bed with a body under it. The squares are 20cm x 20cm but I knit a larger 40cm panel for the middle and used intarsia to make a traditional Maori design bordering her name and DOB (hence the blanking out). It seems almost surreal looking at her date of birth with the 07 on the end. I'm having a hard time believing my baby is TWO!!
I knit the black squares and a couple of the coloured ones. All the rest were donated by a special group of women I feel very privileged to have been a part of. And while I don't 'see' them as much anymore I consider myself very lucky to call each of them my friend. The blanket will comfort and warm, every square reminding me of a time when those friends saved me from the loneliness of adjusting to a new place far away. Without their daily companionship and support my life would have been very sad and empty. I miss you all x
Enough with the mushy and sentimental?
Most of the squares are garter or moss , a few are stocking with a garter border. A lot of the black squares I knit as mitred squares because I liked the motivation of an ever decreasing number of stitches. I also used a couple of dishcloth patterns just to try something a bit different. I have to say that endless 20cm squares are not something I will be knitting again in a hurry. Likewise the "fun" part of picking up stitches for the border (about 8 rows garter with little mitered squares at the corners - thank you RoseRed for your help with that) is something I won't be rushing to do again anytime soon. That being said this was a BIG project with a BIG timeframe and even with all the stalling along the way I am really thrilled with the outcome. It's not perfect but it was knit with lots of love and hopefully M will treasure it as much as I treasure her. I have to admit to secretly hoping she'll be able to wrap up her own babies with it one day.
Oops back to the mushy and sentimental, probably a good place for me to sign off!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Owl Goodies
Awhile ago Kate of O W L S sweater fame had a giveaway on her blog. Everyone who sent her a photo for her parliament of owls gallery went in the draw to win some gorgeous owl goodies. Kate generously gave me the "early bird prize" as I was the first person (other than her test knitters) to send her a photo! If you're thinking of knitting an OWLS , Kate's gallery is full of wonderful owl-ish inspiration.
Now I would love to be able to show you the goodies that Kate sent me for my prize but unfortunately the parcel went AWOL somewhere between Scotland and New Zealand. Kate generously sent me a replacement package...and when that was returned to her, she was kind enough to try for third time lucky! Lucky me and I am so pleased she did. I had pretty much forgotten all about the prize so receiving her package was very exciting!
A lovely project sized Owl tote (with little owl badge)
And inside... some beautiful Debbie Bliss pure silk , owl stickers and a notepad
Thank you so much Kate!! I love it all and I can't wait to knit something special with the silk. My current Wip is residing in the bag. I want to use the stickers myself so I've hidden them from my girls for the meantime!
Hoot Hoot!
A friend in need
A dear friend of mine is adjusting to life with no hair, she asked me if I would knit her a hat and of course I said I would.
I had some Naturally Sensation leftover from my GarterYokeCardy - merino/angora - it's the softest thing I could find in my stash for her delicate scalp.
The yarn has a little bit of a halo so we chose this pattern and kept it simple.
I made a couple of small mods to account for a different weight yarn. I listed them here.
Today I finished it off and went to my local treasure trove thrift shop to find a button. The owner got out her "special box of buttons" to find me something just right.
I hope my friend likes it
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Storm Warning
Yesterday was cold and a deep mist covered the city like a blanket. We went to the beach and it was beautiful. Rugged and raw. And a little bit disconcerting when you can't see the horizon.
The tide was high so the kids missed out on cave exploration. You could hear the waves crashing on the rocks before you could see them.
I did get asked if they could paddle in the water but they seemed happy to settle for rock climbing instead.
Little rock climbing for the little ones.
The new season's look for beach attire - yellow rainbow gumboots and long fairy skirt. Can you tell we are at the "I will dress myself" stage?
In contrast today the sky is blue and the sun is shining. Its still cold of course, and whilst that's the part of winter I dislike, I can't help but think that winter certainly has its own beauty.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Forgive me readers, its been 2 weeks since my last blogpost. Nothing bad or interesting - just crazy busy and a distinct lack of anything crafty happening around here. Hopefully a FO post will make up for the longer than intended absence from the blogosphere....
Buttercup (Ravelry download)
Version A
#7 NaKniSweMoDo09 Sweater
6.5 skeins Patons Diploma Gold DK (wool, acrylic, nylon)
4mm Knitpicks
Mods - less increases for the Aline shape and tightened up neckline.
I think most people are making this as a spring/summer tee whereas I was intending it to be more of an autumn/winter top I could layer over long sleeves. I can't remember if that's what I had in mind when I cast on for the 40 and not the 36 - in retrospect the smaller size would have been better I think. This is a lovely top with nothing under it but the neckline is fairly risque and I don't think I'd be brave enough to wear it out in public without a singlet or cami under it - and that's with me tightening up the neckline more than the pattern recommendation. I think perhaps a size smaller would have enabled me to use it as a teeshirt in summer too and probably would have resulted in a nicer fit around the shoulders. However thats my only (and a small one at that) gripe with this and I'm perfectly happy with just using it as a layering sweater. Just as a FYI I did the version A of the pattern - I think version B has a higher neckline.
I love the colour of this yarn - which I've used before for socks (it has nylon in it) - and am really pleased with how it knitted up for this top. My stocking stitch smoothed out beautifully after blocking and because it's quite a light DK it has a lovely drape to it which really suits this pattern. I'm hoping the wool blend will also mean it will wear quite well and won't pill like my wool sweaters.
I love the little bit of lace and the Aline hide everything shape. I'm sure I'm going to get quite a bit of wear out of this! Definitely a would knit again pattern.
P.S Have to apologize for the blurry (toddler finger marks on camera lens) photos - just pretend we were going for an arty look. We went to redo them and my camera packed a sad and wouldn't focus - hopefully something I can work out how to fix.
Monday, June 29, 2009
June is Finished
So June finishes today (ignore the blogger timestamp it really is Tues here). How did you go on getting your WiPs finished during June is for Finishing?
I am feeling pretty good about my achievements for the month.
I did finally finish my clapotis
I did finally make the Oriental Lily for M (and N) I'd been meaning to make for a whole year
I did also make DH something with the wool I bought him last winter. In the end the scarf became a hat, a design of my own. Unfortunately since its winter and DH is leaving in the dark and getting home in the dark I still havent managed to grab a photo of it yet. Must remember to do it this weekend. I'm aiming on writing up the pattern too so if theres anyone who would like to test the pattern (mens cabled beanie in chunky wool 13st/10cm) then please flick me an email. I'm hoping that pattern writing will be my school holidays project (which can't come soon enough at the end of this week).
Unfortunately the biggest UFO of them all, M's blanket, remains unfinished. Mainly due to children + yarn + black hole. (yarn found in child's clothes drawer in case you're missing a ball of yarn too). I am working on it though which is progress indeed and have so far knit 1/4 of the edging. I want to give it to her for her birthday in August so am pretty confident I'll have it done by then.
The other thing I'm working on is my Buttercup top (Ravelry link)
I'm about halfway through and so far its looking like it will fit. The colour here is not right - think brick red. I was taking ages to decide what to use the yarn for and in the end it was the lovely top that Stitchywitch made that made the decision for me. I forsee a Gathered Pullover in the not too distant future as well (I may even have been yarn shopping!)
So I feel like I should have more to show you for nearly 2 weeks of blog absence! But theres been lots of life stuff, busy kid stuff, absent husband stuff (and exhausted me) and not as much knitting as usual. I am also way behind with my blog reading so if you've finished some Wips for June is for Finishing then leave me a comment so I can make sure I check. Here are some great projects that you can check out...
Abi's beautiful and epic crochet blanket
Mazzy's The Soaker that never ends
Shortly's Fargyles are Finished
Hopefully you won't be waiting quite so long for my next update :D
Thursday, June 18, 2009
June is for Finishing continues...
One of the things I wanted to finally get done was the scarf for DH that I had intended to make him last winter. Man wool has been in my stash patiently waiting for a whole year. He decided a new winter beanie would be better than a scarf, and so with stitch dictionary and calculator in hand I cast on last night. I am hoping this will turn out as a new pattern.
Since I am making such good progress on getting those unfinished things tidied up I allowed myself to cast on for something new. Not to mention of course that something new allows me to procrastinate even longer on the biggest UFO of them all - the blanket! The yarn is the Fruit salad sock yarn that I received for a Secret Santa swap late last year and the pattern is Outside In from the latest Knitty. The leg part went quite well but I've done something very very wrong on the after thought heel and will have to rip that out and start the heel again I think. This is quite a challenging knit and in hindsight was probably a bit above my rather limited sock knitting experience. I'm feeling reasonably resolute to continue on despite the setbacks but don't expect to see sock #2 any time soon! I'm trying to ignore the small voice in my head thats telling me to rip the whole thing and do something easier!
Local yarn store has their winter sale on now, which was rather disappointing and nothing much appealed to me, but I did buy a sweater's worth of this DK yarn. Its more brick red than fire engine red. I've got as far as pouring over patterns in my queue and trawling Ravelry for something suitable. Maybe Buttercup or possibly Gathered Pullover. I was also thinking about Tangled Yoke and Coraline but the majority of things I've made for myself so far have been cardigans (and I have at least 2 more definite cardy style knits organised for my nakniswemodo remaining 6 sweaters) I think this time I'll go for something in the round.
If you've got any recommendations I'd love to hear them!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
This was the project which inspired me to finish up all my UFO's this month - I finally got to the point where I really just wanted it done and finished up in time for winter.... (not to mention wanting the use of my long cable and all my stitch markers again)
Started in January and finished in June, it was a bit of an epic knit. But well worth the wait, I'm very pleased with the finished product
10 balls of Vintage Hues 12ply on 6mm needles makes for a HUGE, soft and squishy blanket sized clapotis. About twice as long and wide as the pattern specifies. I really wanted a blanket or wrap sized "shawl" to snuggle under, and I certainly got it. She measures 250cm long and 80cm wide (or if you prefer about 100inch by 32inch).
I didn't particularly enjoy knitting this and found it a bit tedious to be honest, which is funny considering I do normally like a good run of stocking stitch for knitting with kids or TV. I did enjoy the dropping of the stitches and once I got through the straight section it was pretty fast to finish, however I don't think there will be anymore clapotis in my knitting future.
A stupidly large number of people have knit this, it's almost like a knitter's rite of passage and I can see the attraction - the resulting fabric is lovely to look at with the added bonus of looking more difficult than it really is. The Vintage Hues did cool things with each ball and the interesting colour changes kept me at it, even when the tedium of upteen pattern repeats was driving me up the knitting wall.
If I could "dedicate" a knitting project then this one would go to my Mum. Going to holiday at her house for a long weekend and not taking any other projects was the main reason this is finally off the needles. And of course the endless dramas I had with the yarn - running out of a yarn thats been discontinued before you finish it (perhaps a lesson there in not procrastinating on your projects?) is never a good thing but Mum came to my rescue not only once but twice, sending me more yarn. So thank you Mum!!! It was the beautiful clapotis that she knitted for herself that inspired me to make one of my own too so I do really have to thank her for this one xx
I shall certainly be warm and snuggly these cold winter evenings!
As well as knocking off another one for "June is for Finishing" I'm also counting this as NaKniSweMoDo#6 , I know its an oversized scarf and not a sweater however 12 BIG things was my aim for this year and with as much as wool as a sweater (and as much labour) I'm counting this as one of my 12. I figure its my Knit-Along I can cheat if I want!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Me Me Me and Me
I've been tagged for a Me Meme by two luffly and very talented kiwi bloggers HeartFelt and Miss Smith, thanks ladies.
Right so here's some stuff about me me me (its a bit of an epic one, but fun all the same, I've been pottering away on it all week)
What is your current obsession?
I'm dreaming about spring and planting my spring garden (possibly getting a bit ahead of myself there)
Obsessing about writing a new knitting pattern, knitting things for myself, finding the perfect pattern
hmm that would be knitting then I guess. Who would have thought!
What is your weirdest obsession?
I admit to being obsessed with all things Twilight and yes I know that's weird and yes I'm embarrassed for me too
What are you wearing today?
A variety of paint splatters (Playcentre this morning).
What's for dinner?
Trying a new brand of gluten free sausage tonight, hopefully they'll be nicer than the last ones we bought which had a cardboard like consistency
What would you eat for your last meal?
Seafood chowder, a large glass of Pegasus Bay Chardonnay and a creme brulee
What's the last thing you bought?
Yesterday morning, A ream of paper for my printer , some arty crafty bits for the kids and 3 lollipops
What are you listening to right now?
Kings of Leon, Ladyhawke, and the new Black Eyed Peas single
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
Adelaide for a catch up with my bestie who I haven't seen in too long
Which language do you want to learn?
I'd love to be fluent in Te Reo but for now will settle for 'rusty'
What do you love most about where you currently live?
The house? Right now I really really really love the woodburner (and its heat transfer system). Or the City? I love that we're in a really interesting neighbourhood - lots of cool little shops, the river, the community garden, quaint little community libraries, lots of friends nearby, close to everything we need in the City. Theres always something interesting to look at round here.
Purple,blue or red. Or black if its favourite colour to wear. I've come to realise I'm really not a fan of green. I own maybe one green item of clothing and one skein of green yarn (that was gifted to me). I don't actually mind green, its just not the colour that pulls me in.
What is your favorite piece of clothing in your own wardrobe?
My new armlength mittens are the best ever winter accessory and probably my most favourite FO at the moment.
What were you doing ten years ago?
I was in my final year of University so most probably studying (and partying) hard. Good times.
Describe your personal style?
Ha! Paint splattered Playcentre Mum?
If you had £100 now, what would you spend it on?
Some new clothes so I could answer the previous question somewhat differently
What are you going to do after this?
Take some FO photos of my clapotis (tomorrow's post hopefully)
What are your favourite films?
Say Anything, Sliding Doors, Little Miss Sunshine, Lantana, Memento, LOTR
What inspires you?
Colour, flair, simplicity, style, wearability, 'real' stories, hope.
Your favourite books?
All of the Diana Gabaldon books, Lady of Hay by Barbara Erskine, Time Traveller's Wife, the Llywellyn series of books by Sharon Penman..I really could go on and on there but I'll leave it at that. Historical fiction is my genre of choice.
Do you collect anything?
Does yarn count?
What makes you follow a blog?
A 'voice' that makes it different from all the others, great photos, a sense of humour, superb craftiness or knitting. Mostly I love the blogs which 'keep it real'. Stories I can relate to, projects I'd like to make myself. I always go check out the blogs of people who read me.
What was the most enjoyable thing you did today?
Today is WWKIP Day (World wide knit in public day) so I went along to the local event, and I public! There was a great turn out, fun events to watch and I enjoyed a catch up and coffee with some knitting friends.....

Julie me and Joanne :D enjoying knitting in public!
The rules:1. Respond and rework; answer the questions on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your invention, add one more question of your own.2. Tag eight other people.
I really hate having to choose, so feel free to consider yourself tagged if I haven't tagged you! Here are some more great kiwi blogs (and an Aussie one thrown in there too since lots of the kiwi girls have already been tagged for this). So go forth and meme (only if you want of course)
Fresh Tea
Colour Me In
Knit Spastic
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
FO:Oriental Lily for Two
"June is for finishing" continues! It's great that other people are joining in too, and I love seeing all the things that people are making - I'm enjoying getting those hibernating things finally done, very satisfying.
I am a big fan of Tikki's lovely patterns and after testing the Oriental Lily pattern for her last year I really wanted to make one for M1. I had intended to make her one this time last year but intentions was as far as I got. June is for Finishing seemed the perfect time to stop procrastinating and finally get on and make one! The test knit I made was a newborn size but is still being worn by its very cute recipient (yay) and I also modified the pattern to make a doll size one for a swap with a friend. So this is #3 Oriental Lily for me and probably won't be the last - very cute and a lovely versatile design.
I made the 2-3y size and having already made the short sleeves I just knit until I ran out of yarn - thus ending up with a knee length dress for Malmost2. The bodice is roomy and I think this is definitely another "2 winters" knit which is great.
I took an enormous number of photos but my camera was playing up and combined with a runaway toddler most of the photos looked something like this:
Obviously I need to find a new bribe for photography sessions! This one shows off the yarn nicely though. Its JJ's Montage 8ply and I used all of the 200g skein. The contrast is Cleckheaton Country 8ply in Black and I used about half a ball I think. I bought this yarn when we lived up north, possibly drawn to the red/black colourway reminding me of home! It was lovely to knit with and softer than Utiku, I really love the pink and red against the black and it seems to me to be well suited as a winter knit. Mostly it didn't pool except for one triangle bit across the middle of the skirt. I haven't seen this yarn for sale down here anywhere which is a shame as I would buy it again, makes a nice change from the usual Wool Company ones.
Ravelry has the yarn listed as worsted and on 4mm I got 19st/10cm which means my 2-3y size is possibly more like a 3-4y size. So of course I couldn't resist trying it on N as well (who is 3y8m).
And I think I like it better on her!!! More a tunic than a dress it fits her perfectly and the colours really suit her. I'll probably put it on her this winter and M next year (since she is still fitting her Rainbow Dress from last year). I think the length on her is much nicer and hopefully she won't refuse to wear it like she does all the other knitted things in her wardrobe!
She's a much more obliging model, actually staying still for a few seconds!
Well mostly. Can't you almost hear the "no more photos Mum!" (I can see why they say never work with children or animals lol)
More pics on flickr and my Ravelry page.