I've been tagged for a Me Meme by two luffly and very talented kiwi bloggers HeartFelt and Miss Smith, thanks ladies.
Right so here's some stuff about me me me (its a bit of an epic one, but fun all the same, I've been pottering away on it all week)
What is your current obsession?
I'm dreaming about spring and planting my spring garden (possibly getting a bit ahead of myself there)
Obsessing about writing a new knitting pattern, knitting things for myself, finding the perfect pattern
hmm that would be knitting then I guess. Who would have thought!
What is your weirdest obsession?
I admit to being obsessed with all things Twilight and yes I know that's weird and yes I'm embarrassed for me too
What are you wearing today?
A variety of paint splatters (Playcentre this morning).
What's for dinner?
Trying a new brand of gluten free sausage tonight, hopefully they'll be nicer than the last ones we bought which had a cardboard like consistency
What would you eat for your last meal?
Seafood chowder, a large glass of Pegasus Bay Chardonnay and a creme brulee
What's the last thing you bought?
Yesterday morning, A ream of paper for my printer , some arty crafty bits for the kids and 3 lollipops
What are you listening to right now?Kings of Leon, Ladyhawke, and the new Black Eyed Peas single
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?Adelaide for a catch up with my bestie who I haven't seen in too long
Which language do you want to learn?
I'd love to be fluent in Te Reo but for now will settle for 'rusty'
What do you love most about where you currently live?
The house? Right now I really really really love the woodburner (and its heat transfer system). Or the City? I love that we're in a really interesting neighbourhood - lots of cool little shops, the river, the community garden, quaint little community libraries, lots of friends nearby, close to everything we need in the City. Theres always something interesting to look at round here.
What is your favorite colour?Purple,blue or red. Or black if its favourite colour to wear. I've come to realise I'm really not a fan of green. I own maybe one green item of clothing and one skein of green yarn (that was gifted to me). I don't actually mind green, its just not the colour that pulls me in.
What is your favorite piece of clothing in your own wardrobe?My new armlength mittens are the best
ever winter accessory and probably my most favourite FO at the moment.
What were you doing ten years ago?
I was in my final year of University so most probably studying (and partying) hard. Good times.
Describe your personal style?Ha! Paint splattered Playcentre Mum?
If you had £100 now, what would you spend it on?Some new clothes so I could answer the previous question somewhat differently
What are you going to do after this?Take some FO photos of my clapotis (tomorrow's post hopefully)
What are your favourite films?Say Anything, Sliding Doors, Little Miss Sunshine, Lantana, Memento, LOTR
What inspires you?
Colour, flair, simplicity, style, wearability, 'real' stories, hope.
Your favourite books?All of the Diana Gabaldon books, Lady of Hay by Barbara Erskine, Time Traveller's Wife, the Llywellyn series of books by Sharon Penman..I really could go on and on there but I'll leave it at that. Historical fiction is my genre of choice.
Do you collect anything?Does yarn count?
What makes you follow a blog?
A 'voice' that makes it different from all the others, great photos, a sense of humour, superb craftiness or knitting. Mostly I love the blogs which 'keep it real'. Stories I can relate to, projects I'd like to make myself. I always go check out the blogs of people who read me.
What was the most enjoyable thing you did today?
Today is WWKIP Day (World wide knit in public day) so I went along to the local event, and I knit...in public! There was a great turn out, fun events to watch and I enjoyed a catch up and coffee with some knitting friends.....

Julie me and Joanne :D enjoying knitting in public!
The rules:1. Respond and rework; answer the questions on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your invention, add one more question of your own.2. Tag eight other people.
I really hate having to choose, so feel free to consider yourself tagged if I haven't tagged you! Here are some more great kiwi blogs (and an Aussie one thrown in there too since lots of the kiwi girls have already been tagged for this). So go forth and meme (only if you want of course)
Knit.so.quaintFresh TeaColour Me InKnit SpasticKiwiChickKnitsShortlyCraftykinSharon