Thursday, August 20, 2009

Completely Pointless and Arbitrary

I joined a "Completely pointless and arbitrary" Ravelry swap a little while back. My swappee sent me a lovely and not at all pointless chapstick holder which she put on a key ring so I could always have gloss with me.

It took some time for me to decide what to make for my swappee in return. Until I found this , the most pointless (but quite funny!) pattern I could find....


Swine flu masque!

Luckily my swappee has a sense of humour and she has young children so I'm sure it will get some use at some stage.

Unfortunately choosing the swine flu mask was somewhat ironic as our house has been plagued with the flu for what feels like months now (in reality just a few weeks). I am desperately awaiting the arrival of spring, some warm weather, and hopefully an end to these nasty winter ailments. My knitting, and life in general, has pretty much come to a standstill in the meantime. I'll be glad when things get back to normal!


Melissa said...

Very funny! I hope everyone in your house is on the mend soon.

Rose Red said...

Have missed you! Hope you all are better soon, and that some of our warm weather (I reckon its 25C here today!! In winter!!) heads your way soon.

Heart Felt said...

Suits you very much.....(so cute) x

Anonymous said...

Hopefully your house is on the path to recovery now :)
The piggy mask is hilarious - did your girls try to snaffle it?

Anonymous said...

I have been wondering if all was ok - hope your family is feeling better really soon.

That mask is hilarious - who thinks of these things?!

Cloudberry said...

I bet she'll love it.
Hope you all are feeling better now.
I might need a mask too, because the flu has come here too. And now all flu is treated as swine flu. It all feels a bit hysterical thoigh...

Have a great weekend :)

Liz's Knitting said...

I love the mask!!! I've just downloaded it myself!! So funny!!!

Hope you are all ok.

We've had a few people off work with it - luckily my family, friends and I have all avoided it.

Crafty Tuesday said...

That is SO funny. I am going to make it too (and it's especially funny when you consider my surname is 'Pigott' - yes, really). I am almost doomed to get The Swine with a name like that huh. I know a few people who will get a good laugh if they see me wearing a mask like that :-))

amanda said...

This is soooo funny! :D

Rima said...

Haha. A super project--so apt for the swap!

Knittymama said...

Goodness, that's hilarious!!! My boys would love something like that.

Heather said...

LOL Love it:-)

Hope you are all on your way to wellness.

Take care

Miss Smith said...

What a great idea for a swap- the world really is full of people with a great sense of humour!
Love the mask, they should issue them in hospitals to cheer everybody up.

Kadri said...

Genius! :)

Lillemor Elfgren said...

Oh, love the mask!

hanna said...

he he he! this is so hilarious.

Anonymous said...

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